Aneesha Dillon (ASV, 78)
Aneesha is the creator of the Osho Pulsation method, combining neo-Reichian breath and bodywork with meditation.
Through 40 years of experience, she has developed Tantric Pulsations, based on the body’s natural capacity for pleasure and joy, as well as the spirit’s longing for expansion and inner peace.
She is the author of the book "Tantric Pulsation: The Journey of Human Energy from Its Animal Roots to Its Spiritual Flowering."
Her long-term collaboration with Osho in India allowed her to develop a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western techniques for personal growth and inner exploration.
Aneesha has helped thousands of people worldwide transform their lives through retreats, teacher trainings, and private sessions.
She has trained hundreds of Pulsation practitioners who continue to share this work worldwide.
Aneesha still leads seminars and training in Europe, Russia, America, and now also in the Far East—and now, for the first time, in Latvia!