Tantric & Soft Pulsations
and life celebration
with Aneesha Dillon, USA


Tantric & Soft Pulsations
and life celebration
with Aneesha Dillon, USA
Recreation center Latvia
9 till 13th,
August 2023
€ 720/ person
Couples € 690 /person
place reservation € 100
Sharing it with others, we can celebrate the inner blossoming that opens doors to hidden sources of love, light, wisdom, and compassion.

The blissful heights, and the silent depths of our own energy…

More about Soft & Tantric pulsations retreat:

  • We will move our bodies, shake and dance to wake up what is ‘sleeping’ inside.
  • Breathing, we ‘fan the flames’ of inner fire and feeling.
  • We journey through the expressive and emotional energies of the Chakras, opening to a deeper flow of aliveness and feeling.
  • Softening into the heart, wings opening to the sky, and turning within, to be nourished by inner sources.
  • Meditations from Osho’s Book of Secrets will reveal the delights

What techniques will we use?

This group is a chance to celebrate our aliveness in all its manifestations

This group is great for in-depth exploration of yourself and your potential if you are looking for partner.
And also step in a new quality of intimacy and mutual understanding if you are a couple

Work in groups and couples

To discover a new sensitivity, and to bring a meditative quality to intimate meetings with the other. It is a space to open up in deep trust and receptivity to the love we all long to give and receive.

A loving, supportive environment for all participants

To live and give space to the whole rainbow of feelings and energies, light and dark, positive and negative, that flow through our bodies as expressions of Life Energy.

Aneesha dillon

18:30-21:00, Riga
Tantric & Soft pulsation,
DEMO workshop
35 eur / person
(retreat attendees — 20 eur)


to shift awareness from the busy, thinking mind, towards the inner world of the feeling, moving, flowing presence in the body.
to open deeper layers of relaxation and sensitivity.
to explore new depths of interaction with your beloved partner
if you are looking for balance, depth and integrety

Why you need this retreat:

Your body will become softer and more relaxed, and your mind will be calm and peaceful.
You will feel your heart opened, ready to give and receive love.
Connect with your inner center, which will bring a sense of confidence and stability.
Your attention and energy will move from defense mechanisms to a trusting perception of the world from the “here and now”.
You will feel resourceful and empowered to fulfill your unique purpose.

After retreat you will

What is tantric pulsations?

Tantric Pulsation is a soft, powerful, and deep energy process that unfolds through working with the body, and the life energy that flows through the body, in a soft way.

Tantric Pulsation is a method of Tantra which relies on the sensing, feeling, and movement of body and breath. The body is a complex channel for the flow of life energy within us. Becoming sensitive to that flow inside ourselves and in others is the beginning of the Tantra Journey.
Through Tantric Pulsation we learn how to bring the qualities of meditation—loving presence, silence, non-doing, sensitivity, compassion, acceptance—into our intimate meetings with the other. This is a way to become aware of the subtle streams of life energy that underlie all movement, all desire, and the orgasmic pleasure that we feel when we can surrender to these waves of natural flowing vitality and inner aliveness, within in a loving embrace.

Tantric Pulsation is a process of slowing down and becoming quiet inside; shifting awareness from the busy, thinking mind and the world outside, towards the inner world of the feeling, moving, flowing presence in the body.
If this is your first time hearing about Tantric pulsation method and you want to know more, come to

DEMO WORKSHOP on 8 of September
18:30-21:00 @antarschool

During the workshop you will feel the taste of Tanric pulsation energy, as well as get acquainted with some of the techniques that we will use on the retreat.

Aneesha Dillon


a unique and delightful blend of neo-Reichian breathwork and meditation, by combining two streams of understanding, one Western, one Eastern.

Over the last four decades Aneesha has changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world through her popular workshops, trainings and individual sessions.

She has trained hundreds of people all over the world to do this work, and her book "Tantric Pulsation: The journey of human energy from its animal roots to its spiritual flowering" is available in several languages.

For more info visit www.oshopulsation.com

created Osho Pulsation
MentalHealth specialis, SPA & Welness and AntiAge expert
Body-oriented therapist, Neo-Reichian Pulsations, transessence method, student and now assistant of Neo-Reichian Pulsations, Transessence and Primal Therapy trainings with world-renowned teachers and many years of experience Anisha Dillon and Tariqi Glubin.

Professional Connector.

12 years of experience in therapy, self-improvement, meditation and method research.
NLP Trainer, Family Constellations, Body Oriented Therapy, System Phenomenological Approach and Family Constellations.

Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), certified by John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St Clair, Michael Caroll, UK
Training Specialist, Licensed Meta Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis Practitioner, Persuasion Engineering Practitioner certified by Dr. Richard Bandler, Kathleen S. La Valle, John J. La Valle, USA.

Neo Reichian Pulsations by Anisha Dillon (training in progress).
Co-organisator school of health and mindfulness ANTAR (www.antar.lv)
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